Revolutionizing Revision: Carousel Learning - The Cutting-Edge Retrieval Practice Tool

May 16, 2024 • By Ahmed Khattab at KayScience

Revolutionizing Revision: Carousel Learning - The Cutting-Edge Retrieval Practice Tool

A Teacher's Constant Quest

As educators, we are perpetually on the lookout for innovative approaches to enhance our students' learning experiences, particularly when it comes to exam preparation and revision. The relentless pursuit of effective revision techniques is a shared mission among teachers worldwide, driven by a deep-rooted desire to equip our students with the tools they need to excel.


The Carousel Learning Revelation

In this ever-evolving landscape of educational technology, a groundbreaking platform called Carousel Learning has emerged as a game-changer, offering fresh perspective on retrieval practice and long-term memory retention. Developed from the ingenious concept of "retrieval roulette" pioneered by Adam Boxer, Carousel Learning harnesses the power of randomly generated quizzes to reinforce learning and solidify knowledge.

The Retrieval Roulette Genesis

The genesis of Carousel Learning can be traced back to Adam Boxer's "retrieval roulette," a brilliantly crafted spreadsheet tool designed to facilitate knowledge recall. Teachers populate this spreadsheet with a meticulously curated bank of questions, which the tool then uses to generate a diverse array of activities, ranging from straightforward quizzes to games like Connect 4. The beauty of this approach lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate revision into engaging and dynamic formats, captivating students' attention while simultaneously reinforcing their understanding.

Embracing the Power of Quizzes

During the lockdown period, many educators, myself included, found solace in the realm of online quizzes, particularly those hosted on platforms like Google Forms. The ability to create daily revision quizzes and provide timely feedback to students became a lifeline, fostering a sense of structure and continuity amidst the chaos. Fortunately, the groundwork laid by the retrieval roulette spreadsheet proved invaluable, providing a treasure trove of pre-populated questions that could be readily transformed into engaging quizzes.

Setting Up Carousel Learning: A Seamless Transition

Carousel Learning builds upon the foundations of retrieval roulette, offering a streamlined and user-friendly platform for teachers to upload their meticulously crafted question banks. With the ability to organize questions by subject, year group, and exam board, the platform ensures a seamless integration of revision materials into the teaching curriculum.

One of the standout features of Carousel Learning is its class creation functionality, which allows teachers to assign quizzes to specific groups of students with ease. To a smooth experience, it is crucial for students to enter their names precisely as they appear in the Carousel Learning system, eliminating the potential for confusion caused by whimsical nicknames often encountered in other quiz platforms.

Crafting Customized Quizzes

The process of creating a new quiz on Carousel Learning is remarkably intuitive. Teachers can select the desired question bank, topic, and the number of questions to include, tailoring the quiz to their specific lesson objectives. Additionally, the platform offers a "Revise Mode" feature, which provides students with access to flashcards and topic-specific resources while they are completing the quiz. This feature is particularly in low-stakes practice settings, promoting resourcefulness and boosting confidence among learners.

Analyzing and Marking Quizzes with Ease

Once students have completed their quizzes, Carousel Learning unveils its true power through its comprehensive analysis and marking capabilities. While the system automatically marks the quizzes, teachers have the option to review and validate the marking process, ensuring accuracy and providing an additional layer of quality control.

The analysis dashboard offers a crystal-clear and well-organized overview of each student's performance, highlighting the questions with the lowest percentage of correct answers. This invaluable insight empowers teachers to identify knowledge gaps and tailor instruction accordingly, addressing areas of weakness with targeted interventions.

Moreover, Carousel Learning allows students to self-mark their answers, a feature particularly useful for addressing issues related to incorrect spelling or formatting. However, teachers retain the ability to manually review and adjust marks as needed, ensuring a fair and accurate assessment process.

Benefits of Carousel Learning

Carousel Learning offers a multitude of benefits that make it a standout platform for facilitating effective retrieval practice and enhancing long-term memory retention:

  1. Embedding Knowledge for the Long Haul: Quizzes are widely acknowledged as a powerful tool for embedding knowledge into long-term memory, and Carousel Learningizes on this principle by providing a seamless and engaging quiz-based learning experience.

  2. Organized Question Banks: The platform allows for easy uploading and organization of question banks, enabling teachers to categorize questions by topic, ensuring a structured and cohesive learning experience.

  3. Blending Recent and Established Knowledge: Carousel Learning empowers teachers to seamlessly combine recently taught material with previously covered concepts, reinforcing the interconnectedness of knowledge and promoting a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

  4. Automated Marking and Self-Correction: The system's automated marking feature, coupled with the ability for students to self-correct their answers streamlines the assessment process, saving valuable time for both teachers and learners.

  5. Targeted Analysis and Feedback: The platform's in-depth analysis of each question provides teachers with invaluable insights into knowledge gaps and areas of struggle, enabling them to tailor their instruction and support to address specific student needs.

  6. Growing Community and Resource Sharing: Carousel Learning fosters a vibrant community of educators, facilitating the sharing of pre-created question banks and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

  7. Responsive Support and Continuous Improvement: The platform's developers maintain an active social media presence, addressing queries promptly and demonstrating a to continuous improvement based on user feedback.

  8. Constant Evolution: As a relatively new platform, Carousel Learning is in a state of constant evolution, with new features and enhancements being introduced regularly, such as the recent addition of a dedicated Community space.


In the ever-changing landscape of education, Carousel Learning stands as a beacon of innovation, offering a fresh and engaging approach to retrieval practice and long-term memory retention. By harnessing the power of randomly generated quizzes, organized question banks, and comprehensive analysis tools, this platform empowers teachers to create dynamic and personalized learning experiences for their students. With its user- interface, responsive support, and commitment to continuous improvement, Carousel Learning is poised to revolutionize the way we approach revision and exam preparation, ensuring that our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an increasingly competitive academic environment.