Careers In Science?

November 29, 2022 • By Sami at KayScience

The world as we know it is shaped by science. We'd be living in the dark ages without science.


The future of humanity would be nothing without the current students in primary and secondary school who are the future innovators of tomorrow. Science is constantly developing, forever entering new frontiers and breaking new grounds, where opportunities in work and business are unlmited! 


To get a career in science you first need good science GCSEs, then A-levels or BTEC qualifications, and a degree from a univserity is a must. Right now, if your child is in secondary school, then KayScience is the perfect tool to help your child ace their exams and get the top grades. We have every science topic broken down into bite-size chunks, along with exam-style questions, quizzes and an app. This will help you get to the next step of sixth form or college, and then university.


So what careers can you potentially do with a science degree. Well is a list of just a few:

- Microbiologist: working with microbes which are living things nly seen under a mciroscope. You may be the next person to stop the spread of a major disease, making sure millions of lives are saved!

- Analytical Chemist: making drugs, analysing chemicals and working in toxicology.

- Biomedical Scientist: doing lots of test in the lab helping to diagnose and treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes etc...

- Agronomist: you would support farmers with growing their crops to make sure people get enough food.

- Nanotechnologist: you will work with substances and matter at the nanoscale which is a billionth of a meter.

- Pharmacist (in a pharmacy): here you will be dispensing and distrubuting medicine, whilst helping local people in your community with any questions and issues they may have.

- Pharmacologist: carrying out research into the devlopment of new drugs and medicine and what impact they may have on human health.

- Forensic Scientist: help the police examin crime scenes, being a vital part of the prosecution or defence in the court of law.

- Cartographer: you would be a map expert where you can design and produce maps

- Toxicologist: analyse toxic substances and chemicals that may impact the environment e.g. in water sources, soil, farms and animals

- Meterologist: predicting and stuyding weather patterns based on data.


Check out this link which can help you delve deeper into what kind of science career would suit you best.


My advice to you is keep working hard in school, do not give up and just take it lesson by lesson. YOU GOT THIS!


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