7 Ways To Study More Effectively

April 07, 2022 • By Sami at KayScience

7 crucial hacks for GCSE period 

With the GCSE exam period rapidly approaching, everyone is aware of how stressful the revision period can be. GCSE’s are one of the most important exams in a child’s life, which therefore requires a lot of planning and support to help your child succeed. If your child needs assistance ensuring they get the best marks, whilst also reducing their stress, KayScience has you covered.



Preparing for exams

There are tons of useful sites and methods to assist with revision, all designed by professionals who are aware of the best ways to prepare for exams. But with so many websites, how does one choose? 

Well it is simple, you choose which way works best for them.

KayScience has created their own bitesize videos, along with self-marking quizzes and exam resources, which will be super helpful assisting your child achieve their full potential.



The best revision tips

Although we are proud of KayScience, it is not the only website out there.We’ve listed a handful of websites and revision techniques below for you to consider:


QuizletOne of the best revison websites made due to the fact that it makes use of AI technology.The website is designed to make flashcards with any topic. Flashcards are a great way to memorise facts quickly.


Self Control App: This app aims to block certain websites for certain periods of time, whilst your child studies. This helps to give your child the opportunity to give their undivided attention to their revision.


Having a Revision Timetable: Students tend to struggle with focusing on the right topic in a good amount of time. Having a revision time table helps with prioritising revision and tasks.


Taking Breaks: Taking breaks are more useful than you can imagine, this helps avoid burnouts and your child also being overwhelmed from revising.


Revise With Friends: Group studying may be an effective way to learn in a collaborative environment. Students can also teach others their strongest topics and focus on the ones they are also not that confident about.


Practicing Past Papers: KayScience is here to help with this as we have a variety of past papers available on our website from exam boards such as AQA and Edexcel - past papers are the best way to predict the type of questions that may come up.


The Pomodoro Technique: This is all about maintaining focus, the standard rule is spending 25 minutes revising and then taking a 5 minute break, this process should be repeated through your whole revision schedule.


Best advice for studying

The solution for students is to find what works best for them, some resources are even a whale of fun when exercised correctly.

Additional helpful methods could also include:

  • using coloured post-it notes,
  • studying with aromas to improve memory
  • acting out topics with friends
  • recording your voice to listen to topics has been known to be helpful to some

The process is all about improvising and working out a special method for your child.


Find The best Study Guide

Consider using simple but effective videos and quizzes to support the future of toda, we urge you to sign up to KayScience.com, it’s quick and easy to use.

Sign up now and receive our GCSE Science exam package for 6 months, it’s only available for 48 hours.